
"I love my Harbour candles.  Their scent wafts through my entire house and it is divine."  Memphis, TN


"OMG this is my favorite candle of all time (Dunmore)  It's delicious.  It is fabulous.  And now all my daughters want one.  You have something special here!"  Houston, TX


"My beautiful candle arrived yesterday and my guest bath smells like a garden!  Gardenia (Louise) is my favorite fragrance, and as you described, 'very Southern!'"  Birmingham, AL


"I have four already! They are amazing.  I can't even pick a favorite as they all smell divine."  Wilmington, NC


"My Southern Gentleman has arrived!!!  I have him here in my office where I can enjoy the scent as I work.  Now I have a 'man' by my side."  Atlanta, GA


"Mine are filing our house with good vibes and scents."  Alexandria, VA


"World class.  A customer for life."  Louisville, KY